Friday, April 4, 2014

Gas Relief for Infants

Infants of all ages have experienced some form of gas.  My issue was how to relieve this symptom.  Other than rubbing you babies tummy. Or even using the Little Remedies product. The main cause of gas in babies is the swallowed air during bottle feedings. And it can also occur due to issues with the digestion of food.  

So, placing babies on there tummy is one method that works.  Along with making sure that you effectively burp the babies after feedings.  By keeping the baby elevated above the stomach during feedings this can also ensure that the baby is relieved of gas.

Hello Everyone!!! I am Back....

It has been a tough couple of weeks.  I had to deal with the tragic loss of my mother who recently passed on Saint Patrick's Day... This is very difficult for me because I have only recently had my son.  And so she did not spend much time.  Loss of anyone in the family is difficult whether it is a relative, friend, family, parent, spouse or even a child it is very difficult to cope.  And so along with all other topics we will cover.  Coping with the loss of a loved one will be one in which we will discuss in sessions during the next couple of months.
Love you mom...
RIP 3/17/14